OBSESSED WITH EXCELLENCE | Warrior Week: Parables From the Pit | EP 092


In This Week’s Episode…

Internationally renowned CrossFit athlete Christian Lucero is Coach Sam’s special guest in this episode of Warrior Week: Parables From the Pit.

Parable #1: Born For Something Bigger

  • Christian is a professional CrossFit athlete whose background is sports and martial arts. He always felt there was something bigger he was here to do; that he had something more to offer the world.
  • From a very young age, he was mentored into this role as an athlete. At one point, it was football, which pivoted into mixed martial arts, and eventually, that pivoted into CrossFit, where he found great stride. “I started at the bottom and worked my way into worldwide recognition in CrossFit.”

QUESTION: Where in your world do you feel like you have more to offer the world?

Parable #2: Heros to Emulate

  • In this journey of life, it’s important to have people you can look up to and admire; people who have traits you want to emulate in your own life that you’re going to remember when the going gets rough, and you feel you can’t go on.
  • “It’s taking things that are important to you and doing them to the best of your ability across all areas of your life. It’s being obsessed with that drive of excellence and taking pride in everything you do.”

QUESTION: How are you showing up as a hero to your wife and children?

Parable #3: Willing to Die

  • There are going to be people who are willing to die for the win. If that’s not your goal, you’re going to get run over by those who have that as their goal.
  • When you’re willing to die for something, you’re not going to suck ass for long. When you’re willing to die to prove someone wrong or avenge wrongdoing, that’s linked to a state of mind that goes beyond the pain.

QUESTION: What are you willing to die for?

Parable #4: Ego

  • The ego tries to make what others think or say about you, all-important. It puts traps and road-blocks in front of you to get you out of your own focus and your ability to be in a true zen state of mind, and instead move you into a state of questioning.
  • “Ego=1/Knowledge. What this means is the more the knowledge, the lesser the ego, the lesser the knowledge, the more the ego.” At the end of the day, the more knowledge you have, the smaller your ego becomes.

QUESTION: What do you do to shrink your ego?

Parable #5: Quest

  • “It’s about enriching the lives of the people you see on a daily basis and helping them to be the best versions of themselves. I feel like that’s the biggest thing you can do with whatever gifts you’re given, to make other people’s lives better.”
  • “When it comes to competitions, these people [spectators] have taken time out of their day to be here, so as competitors, we owe it to them to “die” here; to give all of ourselves to this event.”

QUESTION: How are you sharing your gifts with others?

Parables From The Pit:

“It’s human nature to seek this feeling of significance.”

–-Sam Falsafi

“It’s about enriching the lives of the people you see on a daily basis and helping them to be the best versions of themselves. I feel like that’s the biggest thing you can do with whatever gifts you’re given, to make other people’s lives better.”

–– Christian Lucero